Rekonstrukcija (dogradnja) dječjeg vrtića

ulica s radica

Sunčani krovovi

sun krov baner

Izgradnja dječjeg igrališta

izgradnja dj igr

Rekonstrukcija traktorskih putova u šumske ceste u većem šumskom kompleksu "BOK"

ulica s radica

Rekonstrukcija građevine (dogradnja) infrastrukturne namjene ul. S. Radića

ulica s radica

Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja zgrade „NK Frankopan“

nk frankopan projekt


strategija razvoja turizma


eu pjesacke povrsine

Središnji državni ured za obnovu i stambeno zbrinjavanje objavio je Javni poziv za podnošenje prijava za stambeno zbrinjavanje u 2022. godini sukladno Zakonu o stambenom zbrinjavanju na potpomognutim područjima.


In the Styling section of your parameters you have a number of option to edit the styling of some of the elements of your template.

Features in this section include a font changer allowing to you to choose from 14 websafe fonts and over a 100 Google fonts for a number of different elements of your template including the body, article title and module title fonts. Also included is a color chooser to set the article title, module title and content link fonts to your own taste.


Some of the main menus of the template are now set via the template parameters saving you having to set up menu modules for each menu. From this section you can choose what menus you would like connected with these pre assigned menu areas of the template.


A toggle switch allowing you to turn on/off the templates search field.


This section of the template parameters allows full control over your site logo with an array of easy to use options. Upload your logo image via the 'Select Logo Image' field and then use the X and Y axis field to tweak its position.

You can also turn off the image option reverting to a text based logo allowing you to simply enter your site title and slogan via the available fields. You can then customise how your title and slogan will appear via the color and font chooser allowing you maximum control over how your title will appear.

Social Media Icons

Enable and assign URLs to your socail media pages which will appear in the social media panel of the template.

Custom CSS

Need to apply your own styling to the template then simply add your custom CSS to the Custom CSS field within this section of the parameters.

Parameter Screenshots


Službene internet stranice Općine Andrijaševci.

Autorska prava polaže Općina Andrijaševci.

Radno vrijeme; Pon.-Pet., 07.00 - 15.00